THE iLO-iLO Convention Center is a case test for the senate.
The evidences presented was weak and do not substantiate the claim of corruption for Senator Drilon.
The senate is proposing a closure of the inquiry because nothing probable in the case was presented, or Mejorada failed to impress the board with his detailed allegations to pin down the accused.
In view of the said matter, there is a proposed decision to shut down the investigation after one hearing.
Some senators dis-agree.
The rightful opinion on this matter is not to stop the investigation at it's preliminary stage, whether the evidences was weak or not. Since the matter is tangible to an act of corruption or overpricing, even the presentation of evidence by one man, or by a team, shall not be a ground to terminate the hearing, but a proper attention and skepticism must be expressed because of the mere fact that it is an opportunity of the duly constituted authorities to check and re-check, validate, and source qualified persons, professionals legitimate enough to surface the truth brought on by such case.
The ICC is a gargantuan project and this will shadow a burden of practicing a traditional corruption in the system that the senate must be curious about.
One aspect is political.
The accuser is accused of being manipulated, but the motion to stop the senate hearing is a move of a cover up and more of a pure manipulation either.
No stones are left un-turned when it comes to the interest of the people.
The senate must express extreme caution and not easily leave the matter without a sweat.
Mejorada has just opened the gate. Though his expertise and dexterity do not suffice to fit his claims, the real evidence is the accident that he has awaken the senate's attention.
The rest is History.
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